Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The song was wrong...

If I had stuck to the original plan I wouldn't be in the situation that I'm in now. The original plan was for me to have a working knowledge of Mandarin prior to leaving the States. Laziness and simply not wanting to have to get up and study on my own in my own apartment put a stop to that. Now I'm suffering for it.

The realization hit me like a ton of brick a day and a half into this adventure. I'm in a foreign country where I don't speak or read the language and everything is in this language. I'm an idiot for not stucking to my original plan. I didn't think how hard it would be doing the most simplest of tasks. Take for example getting an IP phone card. No problem right? Wrong. If you don't speak Chinese how are you going to tell the guy that you want to call home or ask if you can use this card wherever, blah blah blah? If you don't hear from me for a while you know why. How are you going to ask the woman at the lunch counter "what's in the dumplings?" Fortunately, I eat everything so I just point and pay.

There is a certain freedom not knowing the language. You get away with anything. Just put a quizzical look on your face and keep on stepping. Three days in and I'm having a really good time. My apartment is very cool. My roommate, a yound french girl, is cool as well but she been sleeping since I've been here. Apparently she had friends in town and didn't get much rest. Students in my class are very cool as well. Most are from Holland and Switzerland. With another French girl thrown in for good measure. I'm the only Mei guo ren (American).

Just found this really cool bar that has internet access so I can get drunk and blog and send emails at the same time.

Just got back from Tian'anmen Square. Really cool. Sorry no picture. Someone (Kristine Ty) talked me out of bringing my laptop (someone slap her for me (joking.)) In Tian'anmen square there were three of us plus the guide. Me, Carol and Hugo. Melody was the native guide. Like I said a really cool place, but apparently others thought that Hugo and I were the attraction. We both are clearing over 6'3" and such an oddity that people were doing double takes and taking pictures of us without trying to get our attention. Some would smile and wave whilst others would just stare and gawk. It was really funny. Doing caligraphy tomorrow and the Emperor's Palace on Thursday or Saturday. Seriously though, this frakking place is HUGE!!!!! With a capital HUGE.

Two things. One funny, the other not so much.

1. Got off the plane and nature called as I was waiting for my luggage. Had this huge goofy smile on my face because I was in Bei-frakking-jing, the realization of this image in my head. Well the smile of my face quickly disappeared when I walked to the first stall and saw a porcelin hole in the floor. Now I had heard about squatting over hole in some of the outlying areas, but I didn't expect it in the airport and now here I was confronted with the squat. Seriously, WTF!!! I didn't sign up for this in the Bei-frakking-jing airport!! In east bumble frak China, yes, but not in Bei-frakking-jing! Heck no. I checked the second stall and saw the porcelin throne. Thank God. Was able to go in peace my son. Phew. Deyz is a god.

2. Arrive on Sunday at 5pm to a cloudy day. Threat of rain in the air and sure enough it rain later that night. Monday cloudy hazy as well little rain. Tuesday cloudy and hazy as well. Little rain. Mentioned to my fellow student that I can't rain for this rain to go away so the sun can come out. He says the rain will leave but there will be no sun because what I'm seeing is the smog. YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME. All along I'm thinking this is cloudy weather. Hell no! It's smog. It's pollution? I can't believe it. You can barely see the tops of building. Clearly the song was wrong gray skies ain't gonna clear up but I'm still putting on a happy face.

My goal in the coming weeks is to be able to at least hold a basic conversation in Mandarin. Almost there but not quite. Asked a women the other day "Walmart zai nar?" Walmart is where? and she looked at me like I was from another country. When I confronted my instructor about it she said that the woman didn't know Walmart. I should have said Wo er ma zai nar? I thought Walmart was Walmart wherever you go. Apparently not. Just the little things that get you through the day.

To my family and friends. Don't worry about me. I'm okay and living in Bei-frakking-jing. Might not be in touch as I would like to because I don't have a phone card or working phone or laptop but I'll try to be in contact from this I'net bar. Wish me luck and tell the Chinese to stop staring at me. LOL.

Take care. Missing the U.S but having a good time in China. - Wil

(I have not checked this for grammar or spelling errors so get over it.) What! See! Huh! BDK Beyotches. LOL - Wil


Anonymous said...

I am happy that you are having a high old time.It is good to be tall in the land of short. have a good time and return home in october. mom

Anonymous said...

glad you have arrived safe and sound and look forward to your posts from the bar :)

Your description of the stares and pictures brings back memories of my trip to Korea many moons ago

Tyree said...

glad that you arrived big boi. take care of yourself and we'll fedex over a laptop and a sat cell :)

ricksteve said...

Glad to hear from you! Next up, work on your Cantonese!

Anonymous said...

Glad you arrived safely ... enjoy ... have fun for both of us!Don't forget ... Stone Village ;-)

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are doing well!
p.s. Did you ever even use the word Walmart in the US? :) - mrs.

Anonymous said...

hi love. so glad to hear that you're doing well! and glad you finally admitted that you should have stuck to your original plan. you know how much i *hate* saying i told you so.
hang in there... the language basics will kick in eventually. miss you!

Anonymous said...

Ta Da, China. This blog makes for some interesting reading. But we as humans, are interesting people. So I guess now the fun begins !!! Just don't create an international...,well you know how us AC's (American Chappell's) are. Question, so if you go to T Square, and you take no pictures, did you really go. Are you really there. Thing inline of the Apollo Moon Mission. Anywaaaaay. Just to be standing there is history making in its self.


Kris said...
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Kris said...

I'm just getting to read your China posts now. Okay, it wasn't so much as a hit... but a slap! LOL
I see in a later post, you realize that it is just too heavy and a pain to lug around... when you have 4 beautiful intelligent women telling you not to bring a laptop, you need to just go with it. We knew you'd figure it out! :)
Glad your learning some Mandarin... are you learning in ping-yin? And sorry I forgot to tell you having to pop-a-squat. Guess it was one of those China memories I chose to repress.
Miss you lots and stay safe!

Mzbushi said...

I'm playing catch up right now Better late than never. miss you much!