Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It was bound to happen

I was bound to get sick at some point and time along this journey and it's finally happened. I'm suffering from a summer cold. I looking like a walking ad for one of those cold remedy commercials. Red rimmed eyes, running nose, sneezing coughing, sore throat. Stupid me I left everything that I had back home because my backpack was really heavy to begin with. My thought process at the time is that I'll just buy it there. Bad move. Everything is in Chinese and not the products that I'm used to. So I've resulted to my remedy of chicken soup and plenty of fluids. Water, teas and copious amounts of alcohol. LOL. Well not copious amounts but a serious drink or two. I've found that when I feel like I'm coming down with something a stiff drink or two or three makes me feel better then next day. Try it.

The other thing that was bound to happen was the foreign invasion. It's started. My favorite watering hole and blogging/emailing checking spot is being overrun by foreigners. They are very very loud and I don't like it. Good for business though; the place is packed. Iris and Jeremy will love that. They are the managers of Beijing London.

- Wil


Anonymous said...

Whiskey cures all ills...I know your pain. A good rye on the rocks can knock three days off the outside of a cold if you can stomach it. Works like a charm

Anonymous said...

my relations recommend a hot whiskey when you are coming down with something :)

hope you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Any excuse to drink the vino.Hope that you are feeling better. PA said to tell you thanks for the card.WHERE IN THE HELLIS MINE? Take care .Love you Ma