Tuesday, July 8, 2008

There's nothing like....

Most of you who know me know that I'm not the most technologically saavy person that has walked the face of God's green earth. For the most part if I can't take it out the box and plug it in and push the on button I'm lost. Don't ask me to read the operating manual because I'll just get a glassy look in my eyes after the first couple of pages and then I'll be done with the whole thing. Some folks get a major thrill out of reading these pages, my friend and ex-DDSer Jacinda and my buddy Russell readily come to mind, but not me. So you can imagine how stuck I've felt in Beijing: 1. not know the language to ask for a China mobile sim card, 2. not having the know how to figure out how to open the damn iPhone and switch out the sim card and 3. not knowing how to unlock the son of a beyotch so that I can use the China Mobile sim card in the first place. Enter Hugo, my classmate, my hanging buddy, my friend. He loves computers and computers love him. He was able to unlock, some would say hack, my phone in under five minutes, a feat that would have taken me a couple of lifetimes, and get my phone ready to accept the China Mobile sim card. PEOPLE I NOW HAVE ACCESS TO A PHONE. I can make international calls and texts finally. Yay.

Just got off the phone with my mom. Really good hearing her voice. She really appreciated the call and I could really hear that in her voice. It's all thanks to Hugo. Thanks my friend, I really appreciate you making that call happen.

(Okay, just as an aside if I die in the next days or so it's because I don't think that this burger is beef. It has a different texture. Juicy but different. Seriously, what's with the ketchup too! Too sweet. )

So here's the thing with telephone numbers in China: they hate the number 4, it's bad luck. So most of the number that are sold in the newspaper Kiosk are riddled with 4s. Fortunately for me mine only has two. Hopefully not too unlucky.

In the very near future techno kid Hugo and I are going shopping for a mini laptap top "thingy" as my nephew Chance would say. Should be able to blog at my own convenience and share pictures and stuff.

The funny is is that couple of months ago I wanted to be completely unplugged and off the grid. Not having access to a blackberry, cell phone or lappie (got this saying from my brother Michael) was fine with me. Now however, cell phone and laptop which represents access to my family and friends I can't wait to get back in my possession. It's not that it's so easy to just reach out and touch them it's more that the emails and the blogs and the texts let them know that despite the mile and all the continents between us that connection is still there. So while I can do without the tools of technology, I don't want to because of what if means to those that I love and those who love me. There's nothing like that complete and utter surprise in someone's voice when you call them and they are geniunely thrill beyond measure to hear your voice. I heard that I my moms voice this evening (morning for her) and was really glad that I could call her finally. I heard the relief too. Relief that her son was okay and happy and eating (yeah I was finishing up that juicy burger thingy that might kill me) and making friends. She ended the call by saying be good. Such a mom!! And for all of this again thanks to Hugo. BTW he keeps a blog a well. He's got a funny clip of me and fellow classmates as we toured the Forbidden City this past weekend. His blog is at: hugoleijtens.com

That's it for this post. Be well foks blog you later.

- Wil


Anonymous said...

Hugo's link doesn't work. Also, why not have your family Fedex your laptop?

Anonymous said...

Bro, you know me. I am one with technology, and there is no way on God's green earth that I don't leave the house with out the following... cell phone and sidekick. If I had a lite lappie, I would carry that instead of my 100 pound gorilla. I tried going off the grid, and then I get the shakes. Its like not being able to read a newspaper, drinking a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Nope, must stay connected. Of course none of that matters if NYC is hit with a thermal nuclear.. Well you know, lets think happy thoughts here. Question, did you go to the american embassy yet? If not, go there and ask for Jason Bourne. I'm reading The Bourne Betrayal, so far so good. About that burger. Ketchup is some countries can't even mask the taste of some foods after you do some reading about that said country. Isn't Google 'Under Punishment' over there? Look on the brite side, you're almost in the world capitol of technology, embrace it, become one with it. Continue to have fun. I wish there was some way that you could record every moment, every second that you are there.


Anonymous said...

Just think your thoughts, we'll get them :) Glad you are doing well.

Kris said...

Ketchup in Asia is sweeter... oops I guess I forgot to tell ya that too! But you see Hot Banana Ketchup, try that, it's yummy!