Sunday, July 13, 2008

...worth writing home about.

Originally written July 9th, 2008.

I was feeling really out of sorts lately and I could figure out why. Then it hit me. I'd been taking in all this food, but NOTHING was coming out!! What the frak!! I'm normally as regular as a Swiss timepiece but half way into my second week here and I'd only gone three times in 11 days. UNHEARD OF. It was getting so bad I mentioned to Hugo and said he'd give me something that he brought with him from Holland. Needless to say I was waiting patiently for the next day to come so I could take this product. It was getting so bad I was almost going to have my sister Fedex me some Senna Tea from the Vitamin Shoppe. I know this talk is probably grossing some of you out right now, but get over it. It's life and shit happens. LMFAO.

Later on July 9th, SUCCESS AT LAST. I had the only BM worth writing home about. It was truly a wonderful thing. It was one of those where you flush multiple time because it just keeps on coming. It was one where you feel pounds lighter afterwards. It was one of those that you could tell from the very beginning was going to be a good one. I was hoping for a fourth flush but unfortunately it eluded me.

I guess talking about it helped or maybe it was the spicy lunch and dinner and the vodka and "orange juice" with dinner. Whatever it was it did the trick and I feel so much better. I'm going to have to watch what I eat. God knows I don't want to feel that way again. Felt like my eyes were popping out of my head. A slight exergeration (who do you spell this word) I'm sure but it felt that way.

- Wil

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that the eagal was landed. we really did not need to know all of that infro.However I understand it happens when we get old that we think about our body.Let the force be with you your Mama.