Sunday, July 13, 2008

It felt like I was...

Tonight was a treat. First there is one thing you should know about the language learning center that I attend; it sponsors weekly visits, trips and activities for its student at a nominal fee. So, for example, I've gone to the Forbidden City last week for the equivalence of approx. $15. Tomorrow, I'm going to the Temple of Heaven for about $5. This way I get to see the typical tourist atttractions and experience pasrt of asian culture that I might not have normally experience. Some activities that I've already taken part in are: caligraphy, chinese painting (my panda and bamboo look really cool although the ink we use smells like ass. Really bad.), got my chinese name: Kong wan liang and learned how to play chinese chess (not checkers which is what I originally thought it was). So anyway, tonight was special because we went to see a performance of the chinese acrobats. In a word "off the chain". I really wan to be a chinese acrobat when I grow up. Unfortunately, I'm too tall. Average height appears to be 2'5" but I don't judge height well so don't quote me. They are tiny and extremely talented. I hate them. They make you feel like you are not flexible at all and I'm pretty damn flexible for me age and height.

After the show the eleven (shi yi) of us went for a thai dinner and afterward went to a bar for drinks The bar was full of mostly non asians and felt like I had stepped into any bar in manhattan save for the fact that many different languages and accents were apparent. By shear luck we secured half of a coveted sofa alcove and paid exorbertant RMBs prices for our drinks. (By NYC standards no big deal what so ever.) I met the couple Michael (woman) and Thomas who were vacating the other half of the alcove. She; gorgeous and german. He; lanky and french. I introduced them to my friends, Carole, Jasmin and Peter from Switzerland, Hugo, whom you've met early from Holland, Sophia from Germany, Helene from France Mario from Mexico and Anya from Russia. Then there's little ole me from these United States. It felt like I as introducing a U.N. delegation or something.

We had a great time but ended the night relatively early because we were going to the Temple of Heaven the next day, but not before I downed two shots of tequilla and 3 greygooses and cranberry. (Not too worry, they use measure ounces of alcohol here which isn't enough to get a granny tipsy.)

So those are my hanging buddies, my friends while I'm here in Beijing. Some will leave sooner than others; some like me, Carole and Hugo will stay longer than most. We'll continue to enjoy each other's company in the time that we have in this crazy-smog-filled-watch-out-that-the-cars-taxis-buses-mo-peds-bikes-and-motorcycles-don't-kill-you-as-you-cross-the-street place that they call Beijing.

How you doing? (Said in the Joey from friends voice) - Wil


Mzbushi said...

Hey...they may not have Walmart....but atleast they have Grey Goose! Hooray for the goose

Kris said...

Again, I'm reading these from most current to oldest but I'm glad you got the Goose! Miss ya!