Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dilemma (the conclusion): What I did.

I was blown away by her statement.  

My first response was "no, no, no, no, You are not putting that crap on me."  I told her in no uncertain terms that there was no way possible that she was getting an "I don't want to be around a sick person" vibe from me or Ellen for that matter.  No frakking way possible.   

I then asked her is she was ready for the truth.  The honest truth.  She said yes.
 I then told her that what I'm about to say is said in the spirit of love and friendship.  It's not meant to hurt her in any way possible and I apologize if it does. 

 And then I told her.  I told her everything.  I told her about the monopolizing of conversations, the told her how she doesn't listen and talks right over people, I told her that people get frustrated when they can't get a word in edge wise.  I told her that conversation is a two way street and not one direction.  

I said it all.  I told it all to her. And throughout it all she keep drinking from her cup without saying a word.  At one point she mentioned how people have told her that she's a good listener to which I replied I don't doubt it, but when you get on a roll in talking you don't listen what the other person is saying.  Her response?  Whatever!  

So after I said it all she got up and she that she was going to go read.  She said goodnight and left.  And I felt like the most horrible person that has ever walked the face of earth.  I felt sick to my stomach.  I felt like I'd done the most terrible thing imaginable to anyone.  I was so upset I almost smoked!  Almost beotches, almost.  

My only consolation is that I didn't say what I said to her to be malicious.  I know that I said it in the spirit of love and hoped that I would be received as such.  

To date, one day later, when I hi say to her she barely speaks a greeting back.  And I'm okay with that.   


Kris said...

I love that you are such a honest person. But I can also see how this "woman" may have reacted. Maybe she is hurt and just needs time to get over it?

Anonymous said...

Wil -
I am just catching up on your blogs and I am so impressed with your honesty and courage.
And to call a crazy out like that! You really are my hero.

I miss you around here ..