TVM: Damn straight it's been a while where the frak have you been?
WIL: Huh? What? Umm, I've been working, making a living for myself.
TVM: Oh and in all that time you couldn't have dropped by and posted a thing or two? You haven't been hear since...what 2009?
WIL: Sorry..
T: And in all that time you have been anywhere? No vacations, no experiences, nuffin? I DON'T THINK SO.
W: No, no. I've been places but thought that my blogging days were over.
T: Oh, sooooo you have been places. Where? Where demmit?
W: Ahhh, umm, I've been to Morrocco...
T: Morrocco! MORROCO?? I can't believe... Where else?
W: London, Madrid, Canada, France, Mexico...different parts of the US.
T: Oh really? And after visiting all those places you didn't think to come and tell me and your readers about it?
W: No I did, but I thought my blogging days were over...
W: Well I've posted some lengthy post of Facebook..
W: wait hold on a sec let me finish...I've been posting on Facebook and people have been liking my posts and saying that I should right a book or sumfin so I figured why not revive The Vagabond Monologues (TVM). Plus back when I was blogging in 2008 I was on an adventure and going to exciting places and doing interesting and different things. Being a working stiff now, working for the man and not doing anything interesting or exciting I figured who would want to read about my observations, trips, vacations etc. I'm not doing anything like 2008 now. Who wants to read about yet another stupid blogger and his boring life. Yeah, and my life is boring but after the response on
T: Uh huh. Go on.
W: Well that and I'm leaving for Burning Man tomorrow for the second time.
T: SHUT YOUR FACE!! You're going to Burning Man... AGAIN? And you didn't think to blog about it the first time? YOU AND YOUR STUPID FACE SUCK WIL.
W: I know. I know. Yeah, going again but this time I will blog about it during Burning Man, if I can get internet connection, if not I'll do like we did in Beijing. Remember Beijing.
T: Yeah, I remember Beijing and Cambodia and.. Wait don't get me all nostalgic. I'm still kinda mad at you.
W: Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry. I really am. I've missed you...
T: I've missed you too
W: ...but I'm back now.
T: But for how long?
W: If I'm being honesty I really don't know. It might just be for this Burning Man experience...but I'm here now. Are you okay with that?
T: Do I have a choice? I don't think so. So I'll have to be okay with it, right?
W: Yeah, I guess. You won't do anything not auto-save my post or sumfin like that...will you.
T: If I'M being honest I can't make YOU any promises.
W: Fair enough....
T: .......
W: ....we really did have a good time in 2008 though, right?
T: ........
W: Right?
T: yeah we did.
W: Sorry? What, I didn't hear you?
T: Yeah we did.
W: Remember Biloxi MS? Oh and remember the kids in Cambodia?
T: Do I? Fun, crazy, adventurous times. Remember the fight in Beijing? Dood you kicked some butt that night.
T: Remember when Jenn and Anidya came to Beijing and you guys went out and got drunk and Jenn started dropping it like it was hot.
W: Do I? One of the many great nights in Beijing to be sure.
T: I miss that life
W: Yeah, me too.
T: Are you still in touch with your fellow classmates from Beijing.
W: Yeah, we hit each other up on
T: That's true. Promise me you will tell me all about Burning Man this time Wil.
W: I will. You'll see. I will.
T: Pictures too?
W: LOL. Yes, pictures too! You sound like Mike who was always clamoring for pictures in 2008. Remember it may be after the fact because of internet connection....
T: Yeah, yeah, that's okay. I'm holding you to it.
W: And I'm holding you to holding me to it.
T: Bet
W: Look, I have to go now. Gotta pack and figure out what I'm taking with. See you soon. Okay?
T: Okay.
W: We good?
T: Yeah, we're good Wil. Be safe okay? And watch out, I've heard from other blogs that there's a bug infestation of biblical proportions.
W: Oh dear God please don't remind me. I've heard that too. The last report I heard on Sunday past is that they are gone. Fingers crossed this is true. You know how much I hate bugs.
T: You don't have to tell me. I remember your "love bug" post in May. LOL. Man up dood. They're just bugs.
W: I know. I'll put on my big boi pants this time. LOL. See you soon TVM.
T: Bye Wil.
W: Bye
*Not checked for spellink, grandma or punkshiation so get over it.
Jenoy. - Wil
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