Thursday, August 14, 2008

Just a quickie...

The realization is hitting me that I'll be leaving Beijing in little over two weeks. Not that I'm sad to go either. It's been fun, but I'm ready to move on to other places. Can't wait to get to someplace smaller, less crowded, less metropolitian. I think I'll really appreciate it more after being in Beijing. I'm sure some friend of mine will be happy for me to leave China. No names mentioned (Ansara, Conway). They never wanted me to visit in the first place. I'm really glad that I did. I've accomplished what I wanted to do here. I have a working knowledge of Chinese first and foremost. I've gained insight into a culture and people that I had only glimpsed before. Granted Beijing is not all of China but I've still gained the insight none the less. If I had to do all over again I'd probably only spend a month in Beijing learning Chinese. The school is great, don't get me wrong but the city wears on you. I've had enough. If I could leave tomorrow I would. Actually I can, but I'd be wasting two weeks worth of room and board and lessons paid for and that's just stupid. Missus C didn't raise no fools.

Where's next for me? I'll leave Beijing on August 31st and take a train ride to Chengdu. I'll stay there for a couple of days then head to Li Jiang by train as well. From Li Jiang I need to get into Laos. Haven't figure out than portion yet. Not sure if there is a bus or train. (If anyone wants to do the research for me I'd appreciate it, I hate research.) First stop in Laos from China is the city of Muang Sing, then Luang Nam Tha, then Luang Prabang then Vang Vieng then Vientiane. By this time I'll have had enough of Laos and will be moving on to.....somewhere. Probably Cambodia, maybe Thailand. Not sure yet. Remember this leg of the trip I'm making up as I go along.

I've got stuff that I need to ship home because I'm not lugging it around South East Asia with me. (So mom expect some boxes from China. Please not to open them under the punishment of not getting anything souvenirs from me. I know your fingers will be itching to open them but you must resist. LOL. And please no witty Yvonne Chappell response on my blog. And no cursing. Thanks. Love you too. )

Well that's it for tonight folks. Told you it would be a quickie. Wo feichang lei he kun. (I'm very tired and sleepy.)

See you in my dreams. - Wil


Anonymous said...

I have nothing to say about a box coming to my house.If it is in my place of business and address to me ,I cando anything I want to do with it.So there ,your Mama

Kris said...

Darling, are you going to the Philippines still? I need to tell my dad.

ricksteve said...

Don't tell your mother what to do. She's your mother.

Glad you are having such a great trip.

Anonymous said...

Nice pic


Unknown said...

I'm just glad you can tell when they are talking about me or not and if they are saying anything bad. Maybe we will get better service at the carryout! lol

Renee said...

These will be blurbs from the book I know you will write one day...

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your blog so much and would never try to make it about me but I resent you leaving the impression that I was discouraging you trip. :(
Your adventure and curiosity inspire me and any impression I left about your leaving would have been selfishly motivated. :)
Stay safe and beautiful (you look great) and return to us with your new eyes so that we may see the world brighter!