Monday, August 11, 2008

I can look back and say I was there.

I don't know about you but I think that that was one kick ass kaimushi (opening ceremony.) You can say what you want about the Chinese but they know how to open a show. The pagaentry, the costumes, the lights, the PERFORMERS (there was like a million of them, I stopped counting at 155,000), the Stadium, the lighting of the torch and the YANHUA (FIREWORKS.) Yanhua tai piaoliang le. (The fireworks were beautiful.)

Yunling, Hugo and I got an early start and headed to the stadium around 5pm. We wanted to get a close as we could before the had to stop and let us out. We got a lot closer than we had anticipated considering we didn't have tickets. We were trying to find a giant screen not too far from the stadium where we could view the festivities. We didn't know where it was but figured we were smart enough to find it.

With us we had Jack and coke, Absolute and orange, water, grapes, chips, cookies and I had a turkey sandwich which was supposed to not have mayo. Found out later that it did. It very incredible re he shi (hot and humid) and some of you know how much I hate to be hot much less humid since the whole thyroid thing. We were walking along this street that runs parellel to the Birds Nest and it was packed with folks walking the other direction. Brought some stickers with the Chinese flag on it and put on your clothing and Yunling on her face. The stares we got!! Not sure if it was because Hugo and I were sporting the flags and we were clearly not Chinese or because we the black and white giants.

At one point we stop to rest and sat on some steps in front of these building. And then it began. It started innocently enough with one guy sitting next to us and chatting us up. No big deal. Then he asked if he could take a picture with us. We said yes. Why the hell did we do that? It was him and then a hundred or so more other people wanting to take pictures. We took pictures with old, young, little girls, little boys, men, women, families, they flashed their peace signs, thechinese flags, their pearly whites, miles of smiles, they grabbed us around the waists, the shoulders, held our arms, held our legs, our heads, someone at some point had a hand a little to close to the butt, they crouched next to us, sat on the steps, some kids sat in our laps and they all had a great time taking pictures with the giants.

Through it all Hugo was drinking the Jack and coke and getting how can I put this delicately...slightly intoxicated. Totally in control but definitely under the influence. He had the brilliant idea to say the Chinese rah rah saying really loud and folks started joining in and you know what that meant!!! MORE PICTURES. Seriously, we are probably in more family photo albums than I care to think about and I hate taking pictures. At one point he wanted to lead the crowd in a rendition of the Beijing Olympics song Beijing Huanglin Ni but I said no. We were having a really good time. I know you are asking if I was drinking as well. Not yet I wasn't my stomach still hadn't recuperated from Tuesday so I wasn't drinking just yet.

We decided to hit the restrooms at the KFC across the street then go find the areas we were looking for. Yunling had asked some folks and come to find out we'd have to take a bus to get there but first had a walk a little bit to the stop. After the break we headed out and got to a place near the road where we had this great vantage point to see the stadium and the fireworks when it started. Us and a million or so of our chinese friends. It was crazy the number of people that were out. Just as we got there some fireworks did start so we stayed. The opening ceremony had begun. I knew with my stomach problems I wouldn't be able to stay the entire time outside waiting for the ending fireworks so we went across the highway to a restaurant had a great meal and watch the show on TV.

I cheered my head off when the Americans walked in. I was really happy to see that many in one place and knowing that they were less than a half a mile away from me made me even happier. And when they showed W, well lets just say the only booing came from me.

Back outside the see the ending fireworks and lo and behold the millions have trickled down to a couple of hundred. No joke. The place was empty. I don't know where they went or how they got there but they were gone!! We crossed the road again to get a good vantage point saw a taxi waiting as well for the fireworks and told him that when the were over we wanted him to take us home. He smiled and said okay, but just to make sure I dazzled him with some light magic and had him perplexed until the real light show began. Actually had most of the onlooking dazzled as well. Too funny.

Saw up close and personal the biggest fireworks display EVER!! I particularly liked the 29 "steps" in fireworks from the Forbidden City to the Birds Nest Stadium. How cool was that?! I may not have been inside the Stadium but I can look back and say that I was there in Beijing for the 2008 Olympics and that's pretty sweet. I still don't have tickets to crap but will watch some event live at really nice outdoor venues.

Here are some pictures.

Enjoy. - Wil

This is the first posing of a picture that started it all. That's Hugo in my apparently Dutch orange bandana that I haven't gotten back yet. The guy in the middle wanted me to signed in autograph book. I couldn't in all honesty. They were lined up after this photo was taken.

In walks the American team. Can you tell that I'm happy.

And the rockets red glare.....

the bombs bursting in air....Oh, wrong country. My bad.


Anonymous said...

hi giant
me bad - I didn't even watch the opening ceremonies.. sleep is more important to me :)
the good news is Orla is into the swimming so we got to see the mens relay this morning that I recorded last night :)
thats cool that you got to be there though

Anonymous said...

so effing cool... still can't believe you were there!
the opening ceremony was amazing. good for china! and sign a few autographs man... no need to be all uppity. even kobe probably signed a few.

Anonymous said...

So, you get to say 'You were there'. That in itself will always be a frsh memoray no matter how long in years it may be. Wish I could have been there too. Thers not to many events in our lifes that we can actually mark done as joyous as being so many miles away. The feeling of seeing our american team, and you there yelling your ass off. Ah, memories...memories !!!

ricksteve said...

Yay, Wil! I was thinking about you the whole time I was watching the opening ceremonies. Will you be taking in any of the events?

Anonymous said...

that's perhaps one of the coolest things i've seen and read about in some time. glad to see you are having a blast.