Sunday, May 4, 2008

Bitten by the love bug

I wasn't the fact that my motorcycle got a flat tire outside of Slidell Louisiana as I headed to Jazzfest this weekend.

It wasn't the fact that it started raining and sky was getting darker and darker with more rain clouds by the second.

It wasn't the cars whipping by me as I stood stranded by the side of the road.

It wasn't that I gave the wrong exit number to the guy coming to give me and the bike a lift tot he cycle shop.

Nope. It wasn't any of these things that pissed me off. What did it was the millions of love bugs that covered me as I waited by the side of the highway. They were everywhere and I HATE BUGS!

When this kind couple stopped to see if the could help me, it took every ounce of strength in me not to do that flailing a spider is on me dance that people do. I even joked about it with the couple telling John and Elizabeth that this was my nightmare come true i.e. being covered by bugs. Fortunately these love bugs don't do anything but try to attach to each other in mating and crawl on you. If you are me the whole crawling on you thing is enough to freak you the frak out.

Suffice it to say being bitten by the love bugs was not the way that I thought my return to New Orleans Louisiana (NOLA) would be heralded but hey what are you gonna do, when you are vagabonding you just gotta roll with what you are given. I'm just glad that I didn't die when the rear tire blew out. Service guys said I was lucky. Said most blow outs like this end in an accident.

The cool thing is that I didn't know that I had a flat tire. All of a sudden the bike felt like it was going to hover and fly in the air. It was a pretty cool feeling. When I notice that the steering was kinda weird I knew something was wrong and pulled over a gingerly as possible and saw there was a flat.


Tyree said...

man be thankful that you were able to control it. don't be like me and crash yourself into a tree :)

ricksteve said...

Ugh, bugs. I hate the thought of bugs crawling all over me, even love bugs.

More love bug info: The love bug (also known as march fly, honeymoon fly, telephone bug, kissybug and double-headed bug) (scientific name Plecia nearctica) is a small flying insect common to the southern United States, especially along the Gulf Coast. During the semi-annual love bug flights or "seasons", the insects are commonly found spattered on the hoods and windshields of automobiles.

Anonymous said...

glad you are ok! enjoy NO!

Anonymous said...

Hey Wil,

Life being what it is, I've had to read your blog in one fell swoop. I'm enjoying your adventures, and I'm not judging your spelling, grammar or syntax. Really. Thanks for calling while you were in town. It was good hearing your voice.


Anonymous said...

MJChappell says... How did you NOT KNOW you had a flat. Pretty DAMNED LUCKY you dint wrap around...well anything !!! Me, I would have walked or been too scared to continue on my trip after that one flat. But it only goes to prove (?), there are Angels among us.