Friday, May 16, 2008

...and then some

I haven't been able to summarize my time in the south in the written word.  Oh, I've been able to talk about it at length enough, but every time I've tried to do the same in written form I've failed miserably.  So I'm not going to try to sum it up any more.

My friend Stone, Conway Stone asked me if I got what I expected out of my time volunteering.  My answer is a resounding YES and then some.  

Sorry that I have this writer's block where I can't sum it all up.  Maybe in some other post.  For now know that the work was rewarding and I wouldn't have changed it for the world.  I'll be back in Biloxi at some point to help out again.  It may be in the winter or next spring but I'll be back.  There so much to do.  

This blog will continue as I travel to China and South East Asia.  My travels start on June 28th but I'll continue blogging about life, family, friends and my prep for this upcoming trip.  

Thanks for reading.  - Wil


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this trip with us. I look forward to hearing about your new adventures!
Can you comment on what you think you brought to the experience? Explore the reciprocity. What you got/what you gave...


Anonymous said...

What I brought to the experience, hmm. In any situation I bring what I hope is an amazing capacity for compassion, humor, kindness and dare I say it Love. I bring faith in my fellow man and the goodness that I see in people. I hope that I'd touched someone along the way with a conversation, with openness, with honesty. I'd hope that I'd dispelled some misconceptions that people may have had. I hope that people see in me the family that I come from and that I am the product of this fantastic collective of people. I saw this in the people that I met. I saw their capacity for sharing, caring, love. For doing good. For doing something. For life. I've always had faith in man. Meeting, living, working, having fun with the folks that I met has boosted my faith in man even more. I got what I gave and while I expected it I wasn't prepared for so much.

Thanks for a really good question.

Anonymous said...

Hi Precioussssssss!!!

I am so glad you are home safe...Nothing like being home.

I am enjoying your blog and feel like I am seeing the world through your eyes. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for safe journey's.

Miss you...Martha